Last night I felt both proud and utterly ashamed to be a Texan. Up until I became a parent I considered myself to be a Christian Republican. Maybe a little more liberal than your average Republican as I've always been pro-choice and for marriage equality but a conservative none-the-less. I knew what none of that meant.
I was raised by the son of a son of a son who all fought in our country's wars, WW1, WW2 and Vietnam. I'm a card carrying member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and if I so chose could do the same for Daughters of the Texas Revolution. I was raised on American pride and American ego and to an even further degree Texas pride which goes hand in hand with the Texas ego. We are the only state in the nation that can literally be picked out by any child in any classroom almost worldwide. Seriously, show a kid in Japan a picture of the State of Texas and he'll tell you what and where it is. We're bigger, we're better and we don't mind telling you.
And to be honest I don't mind any of that. I'm proud to be a Texan, I have the big hair and the big... um... lady parts, to prove it. See Texas women are southern but with a harder edge. We can set a formal dinner table and kill the meat to put on it. We can kiss our children good night and be up at dawn to drive cattle. And we were raised being told we could do anything we want, say anything we want. And I always believed in that.
Until last night.
I'd seen it coming. That wish from the men in our state that maybe they shouldn't have done such a good job raising us Texas women to be so opinionated. Maybe they should have quieted us a little more when we were younger. Maybe they should have tried to kill the Texas spirit that seems to grow wild and free within us.
Ever since college, my first real taste of the world outside my small town rural bubble, I had realized I was more of a moderate. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I believe in human rights... as in you can't deny anything to anyone based on their sex, race, color, creed, or sexual orientation. And in this state that make you a liberal. And I believe in small government and you need to keep your hands off my money. I'm a dichotomy, I know.
I don't vote a straight ticket and I sure as hell didn't vote for the men who tried to push SB5 through last night. And I sure as hell didn't vote for Rick Perry. That man is an imbecile on his best days. I don't care what side of the pro-life/ pro-choice line you stand on, SB5 was about a Republican agenda to circumvent Federal law. A way to basically ban abortions in our state. A way to strip rights given by our constitution from women in Texas.
This is not a small state. I know this because I live in DFW and I grew up in Ozona, approximately 6 hours southwest of here. Where I grew up there was no Walmart or McDonalds. We had an emergency room but if you needed surgery or a bone set or were having a heart attack then you were ambulanced or Care Flighted out of our county 80 miles to San Angelo. My family ranch burned in 2011 due to the wildfires that scorched our great state. And I had friends who simply did not understand why firefighters didn't just put out the fire. The shear size of this state is sometimes hard to comprehend.
So why would men (and women, there were a couple all for SB5) who claim to want nothing but good health care for the women of this state want a bill to pass that would essentially shut down all clinics in these smaller rural areas? Well, because they perform abortions of course! Forget that they also perform well women visits and mammograms, provide sex education and birth control. And please tell us how its for the safety of women. That if that clinic can't afford to become an ambulatory care center, than it can't possibly be safe.
Please make it illegal for doctors to perform ALL late term abortions even if carrying full term is to the detriment of the unborn fetus, the mother and the family. Please make it even harder for victims of incest and rape to get care and please be sure to tell them that since they didn't get to the "clean me out" rape kit in time that they'll just have to carry that child to term and deal with repercussions at that time.
My sarcasm drips, I know.
Dewhurst and his lackeys tried their damnedest to pass this bill off as being about the protection of women's health, about our safety. And yeet they tried to do it under our noses, hoping no one would notice. What exactly does that say? Let me tell you how they could have made this about women's health and safety: pass legislation that gives funding to these clinics and brings them to whatever standard you see fit. Pass legislation that gives access to sexual education in impoverished areas of our state, teaches girls about what they should do in the case of rape, provides them with safe houses and puts plans in place for their safety. Pass legislation that gives women the tools they need to make wise and educated decisions regarding their health. Pass legislation that makes it harder for late term abortions but still allows doctors to make decisions based on the health and well being of their patients. and last but certainly not least...
Please stop pretending you know what's best for women unless you've actually discussed it with them. The outcry from the women in Texas should have been enough for every single one of our representatives and senators to take a step back and think, "We should maybe reconsider such divisive action." But no one did. They just plowed on with their omnibus bill to the detriment of all Texas women. Because why should they care? Their wives and sisters and daughters will always have access to whatever they want. For that matter so will I. I'm a middle class white woman. I could very easily say this is simply not my problem. But you see that is where the liberal in me starts to show.
I truly believe I owe it to the women of my great state to stand for something other than myself. I owe it my gay friends to say, "WHY?!" Why can't they get married. It doesn't affect the sanctity of my marriage one iota. I owe it to the girls without mothers to protect them and to the scared teenage girls to be their voice. My silence helps no one. And I wasn't raised to be silent. Why should I start now?
A place for my thoughts: Raising Boys. Being a Mommy. Healing my body with whole foods. Scrapbooking. Crafting. Decorating. Food, Dessert, Chocolate and More Food. And Loving the man who Loves Video Games.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The State of our State
To say I'm angered over the current legislation being "discussed" by the representatives of Texas would be an understatement. Shocked, outraged, hurt, bursting at the seams with my disbelief that the people who represent me think I'm incapable of making decisions regarding the safety and well-being of my own body, of my own mind... all of these would be more accurate and still, yet, do not begin to cover the magnitude of what is coursing through my mind and my body.
If you are not aware of Senate Bill 5 then I encourage you to click here and here. The first link lets you know who is sponsoring said bill, just how quickly it has been pushed through in order to try and evade the Texas public, and lets you sort through what little discussion pertaining to the bill has been had. The second link lets you read the bill. I encourage you to read it at minimum 3 times as it is written in political code (read: designed to be misleading so that readers will fill in gaps with assumptions). I am not an uneducated woman. I'm not a genius either.
I live in Frisco, Texas. Suburbia at its finest. One of the largest growing populations in this state and in this country. A whopping 27% of Frisco women are stay at home mothers. I'm not naive about the political climate in which I live. I'm a registered voter and I vote. I also know that most of those whom I voted for are not currently in office. If you are not aware of who represents you on either the State level or the Federal level I encourage you to go here.
Senate Bill 5 will effectively take the right to choose out of women's hands and place it in the hands of mostly men, but some women, who feel that they have been placed on this Earth to hand out their moral, ethical and theological belief systems as if they are divinely appointed to be the saving hands of our morally, ethically and theologically reprehensible state. If this bill continues and passes, there will be 6 clinics in all of Texas that will be able to perform abortions. Only located in urban areas and under such strict regulations that a possible 1/4 of all women who attempt to pass through these clinics will be served.
I am not exactly sure when the Constitution of America became about imposing the belief system of those elected to represent onto those they are representing but it is definitely the case with this bill. We have voted you in to office to represent US, not yourself! I don't care what side of the line you stand on. I do not care what your belief system is. What I do care about is that the women in our state are being placed on a bus back to 1945, then placed on train back to 1865 and then a boat back to 1776.
The women of our state are being told that we do not understand what we are doing when and if we walk into an abortion clinic. The women of our state are being told that we are not capable of making choices regarding our own bodies. We are being told that we are not intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of an abortion and therefore instead of allowing us our rights, they are being stripped from us.
As a mother, a Christian, a feminist, a sister, a daughter, a wife and as an actress, let me tell you I understand.
I encourage you to read I'm Naive, Not Stupid on The Oeditrix. Not only is it a moving article it explains the current climate in the State Capitol Building. The way in which these "men" are behaving and acting. I use the term "men" loosely. The measure of a man is in his ability to recognize his limitations. And obviously these "men" have not realized that their limitations include the ability to make choices regarding a body that is not their own.
I beg you to contact your representative. I beg you to educate yourself and to understand what is being pushed forward without your consent. I beg you, for your children and for the children who do not have a voice, to make your voice heard. In a state where we have stripped away easy access to mammograms, obstetric medicine, birth control and sex education for those who do not have the money to buy it for themselves, please, make your voice heard.
If you do not fight to be heard, you will forever be silenced.
If you are not aware of Senate Bill 5 then I encourage you to click here and here. The first link lets you know who is sponsoring said bill, just how quickly it has been pushed through in order to try and evade the Texas public, and lets you sort through what little discussion pertaining to the bill has been had. The second link lets you read the bill. I encourage you to read it at minimum 3 times as it is written in political code (read: designed to be misleading so that readers will fill in gaps with assumptions). I am not an uneducated woman. I'm not a genius either.
I live in Frisco, Texas. Suburbia at its finest. One of the largest growing populations in this state and in this country. A whopping 27% of Frisco women are stay at home mothers. I'm not naive about the political climate in which I live. I'm a registered voter and I vote. I also know that most of those whom I voted for are not currently in office. If you are not aware of who represents you on either the State level or the Federal level I encourage you to go here.
Senate Bill 5 will effectively take the right to choose out of women's hands and place it in the hands of mostly men, but some women, who feel that they have been placed on this Earth to hand out their moral, ethical and theological belief systems as if they are divinely appointed to be the saving hands of our morally, ethically and theologically reprehensible state. If this bill continues and passes, there will be 6 clinics in all of Texas that will be able to perform abortions. Only located in urban areas and under such strict regulations that a possible 1/4 of all women who attempt to pass through these clinics will be served.
I am not exactly sure when the Constitution of America became about imposing the belief system of those elected to represent onto those they are representing but it is definitely the case with this bill. We have voted you in to office to represent US, not yourself! I don't care what side of the line you stand on. I do not care what your belief system is. What I do care about is that the women in our state are being placed on a bus back to 1945, then placed on train back to 1865 and then a boat back to 1776.
The women of our state are being told that we do not understand what we are doing when and if we walk into an abortion clinic. The women of our state are being told that we are not capable of making choices regarding our own bodies. We are being told that we are not intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of an abortion and therefore instead of allowing us our rights, they are being stripped from us.
As a mother, a Christian, a feminist, a sister, a daughter, a wife and as an actress, let me tell you I understand.
I encourage you to read I'm Naive, Not Stupid on The Oeditrix. Not only is it a moving article it explains the current climate in the State Capitol Building. The way in which these "men" are behaving and acting. I use the term "men" loosely. The measure of a man is in his ability to recognize his limitations. And obviously these "men" have not realized that their limitations include the ability to make choices regarding a body that is not their own.
I beg you to contact your representative. I beg you to educate yourself and to understand what is being pushed forward without your consent. I beg you, for your children and for the children who do not have a voice, to make your voice heard. In a state where we have stripped away easy access to mammograms, obstetric medicine, birth control and sex education for those who do not have the money to buy it for themselves, please, make your voice heard.
If you do not fight to be heard, you will forever be silenced.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Disneyland Dining: Oh the Choices!
Seriously, there are so many options! From California Adventure to Disneyland to Downtown Disney to the hotel restaurants, anything and everything is offered. And along with everything offered comes review after review ranging from amazing to down right horrific. So what do you do? How do you decide? And decide you must because you can start making reservations for your dining experiences 60 days prior to your arrival.
Well I started with the Disneyland website. And made a list of the restaurants I was interested in for both parks. And then I went to my trusty friend the Internet and found witch just flat out has been one of the best restaurant resources ever, if for no other reason than it has a menu with pricing for almost every single eatery and dining option. And then I stumbled across The Disney Food Blog. Where I found food reviews and even more info. The above web resources are definitely helpful for more than just food but without them, I'd still be swimming in uncharted waters trying to figure out where to plan our meals and Character Dining.
Since we are driving, I plan on packing LOTS of snacks. That is one tip on saving money I garnered that I'm going to put to good use! Also, with the oldest, little man's allergy it really does help to control his intake of corn based products. I'm also traveling with breakfast food since we have the space and need to be fed and out the door very early.
We went ahead and purchased the Disney Dining Plan for our trip. Again after a lot of research, the decision came down to simplicity. Does it save you a lot of money? No. In fact if you are the type of family who orders salads and has extremely picky eaters, than it might actually be more expensive for you to purchase the Dining Plan than to simply pay out of pocket. However... WE are the type of family that orders steak. My kids are the farthest thing from picky eaters and are also likely to pick steak if given the option.
And from the research, I understand that the Disneyland and Disney World Dining Plans are extremely different and that the WDW plan is much more economical and very much worth it.
What it is, is simpler. I've prepaid for our food and now I don't have to worry about it. The way it works is: you receive one counter service coupon, one table service coupon and one snack coupon per day. The counter service coupon is valued at $15 per adult and $10 per child. So spend it. You won't be receiving any change if you don't. The snack coupon is valued at $5, so same goes here... use it! The table service includes character dining and/or deluxe character dining.
For example: We've purchased the Minnie's 4-Day Dining Plan. So we have 4 snacks per person/ per day, 4 counter service meals per person/ per day, 3 table service/ character dining per person/ per day and 1 deluxe character dining per person/ per day. The above info is very important as I found it no where on the world wide web. I had it explained to me by 3 different Cast Members before I really understood it as each of them explained it very differently. Again, for me, it is all about the simplicity. And who knows how I'll feel about it all after our trip. I'll let you know then.
Here is our reservation list/ Where we plan on eating:
Day 1:
Breakfast - In Room
Lunch - Flo's V-8 Cafe in Cars land, DCA
Dinner -Earl of Sandwich in DTD
Day 2:
Breakfast - In room
Lunch -Tomorrowland Terrace in Tomorrowland, DL
Dinner - Carnation Cafe on Main Street, DL
Day 3:
Breakfast - The Storyteller's Cafe in Grand Californian Hotel
Lunch - French Market in New Orleans Square, DL
Dinner - Date Night - Trader Sam's Tiki Bar in The Disneyland Hotel
Day 4:
Breakfast - Minnie & Friends Breakfast at The Plaza Inn, Main Street, DL
Lunch - Jolly Holiday Bakery on Main Street, DL
Dinner - Wine Country Trattoria on Paradise Pier, DCA
Day 5:
Breakfast - Goofy's Kitchen in The Disneyland Hotel
Lunch - Paradise Pier Eateries (Lucky Fortune Cookery, Pacific Wharf Cafe, Etc.), DCA
Dinner - Blue Bayou in New Orleans Square, DL
I've made reservations for our dinners and our 3 character breakfasts. I'd love to try Napa Rose, Carthay Circle and Steakhouse 55 but our kiddos are too young for restaurants like those and on our date night (we'd originally planned on hitting up Carthay Circle) we are more interested in riding rides and exploring the park sans kiddos than sitting down to a fancy meal. By planning our meals, it has really allowed me to plan out our days accordingly, more on that in my next post!
I've read the menus from each of the restaurants so I know that there are options my kiddos will be interested in. And I've tried really hard to mix up the variety. I'm not a hamburger for every meal type of person. And with my autoimmune issues and the allergies in our family, I have to be more aware of what I and my family eat. We don't need any tummy issues in the Happiest Place on Earth!
Well I started with the Disneyland website. And made a list of the restaurants I was interested in for both parks. And then I went to my trusty friend the Internet and found witch just flat out has been one of the best restaurant resources ever, if for no other reason than it has a menu with pricing for almost every single eatery and dining option. And then I stumbled across The Disney Food Blog. Where I found food reviews and even more info. The above web resources are definitely helpful for more than just food but without them, I'd still be swimming in uncharted waters trying to figure out where to plan our meals and Character Dining.
Since we are driving, I plan on packing LOTS of snacks. That is one tip on saving money I garnered that I'm going to put to good use! Also, with the oldest, little man's allergy it really does help to control his intake of corn based products. I'm also traveling with breakfast food since we have the space and need to be fed and out the door very early.
We went ahead and purchased the Disney Dining Plan for our trip. Again after a lot of research, the decision came down to simplicity. Does it save you a lot of money? No. In fact if you are the type of family who orders salads and has extremely picky eaters, than it might actually be more expensive for you to purchase the Dining Plan than to simply pay out of pocket. However... WE are the type of family that orders steak. My kids are the farthest thing from picky eaters and are also likely to pick steak if given the option.
And from the research, I understand that the Disneyland and Disney World Dining Plans are extremely different and that the WDW plan is much more economical and very much worth it.
What it is, is simpler. I've prepaid for our food and now I don't have to worry about it. The way it works is: you receive one counter service coupon, one table service coupon and one snack coupon per day. The counter service coupon is valued at $15 per adult and $10 per child. So spend it. You won't be receiving any change if you don't. The snack coupon is valued at $5, so same goes here... use it! The table service includes character dining and/or deluxe character dining.
For example: We've purchased the Minnie's 4-Day Dining Plan. So we have 4 snacks per person/ per day, 4 counter service meals per person/ per day, 3 table service/ character dining per person/ per day and 1 deluxe character dining per person/ per day. The above info is very important as I found it no where on the world wide web. I had it explained to me by 3 different Cast Members before I really understood it as each of them explained it very differently. Again, for me, it is all about the simplicity. And who knows how I'll feel about it all after our trip. I'll let you know then.
Here is our reservation list/ Where we plan on eating:
Day 1:
Breakfast - In Room
Lunch - Flo's V-8 Cafe in Cars land, DCA
Dinner -Earl of Sandwich in DTD
Day 2:
Breakfast - In room
Lunch -Tomorrowland Terrace in Tomorrowland, DL
Dinner - Carnation Cafe on Main Street, DL
Day 3:
Breakfast - The Storyteller's Cafe in Grand Californian Hotel
Lunch - French Market in New Orleans Square, DL
Dinner - Date Night - Trader Sam's Tiki Bar in The Disneyland Hotel
Day 4:
Breakfast - Minnie & Friends Breakfast at The Plaza Inn, Main Street, DL
Lunch - Jolly Holiday Bakery on Main Street, DL
Dinner - Wine Country Trattoria on Paradise Pier, DCA
Day 5:
Breakfast - Goofy's Kitchen in The Disneyland Hotel
Lunch - Paradise Pier Eateries (Lucky Fortune Cookery, Pacific Wharf Cafe, Etc.), DCA
Dinner - Blue Bayou in New Orleans Square, DL
I've made reservations for our dinners and our 3 character breakfasts. I'd love to try Napa Rose, Carthay Circle and Steakhouse 55 but our kiddos are too young for restaurants like those and on our date night (we'd originally planned on hitting up Carthay Circle) we are more interested in riding rides and exploring the park sans kiddos than sitting down to a fancy meal. By planning our meals, it has really allowed me to plan out our days accordingly, more on that in my next post!
I've read the menus from each of the restaurants so I know that there are options my kiddos will be interested in. And I've tried really hard to mix up the variety. I'm not a hamburger for every meal type of person. And with my autoimmune issues and the allergies in our family, I have to be more aware of what I and my family eat. We don't need any tummy issues in the Happiest Place on Earth!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Mommy of the Year Moments
Carson is obsessed with the Power Rangers. For this week anyway. And trust me if it lasts much longer than this week, he nor I, will survive this summer. And readers, we are only a few days into summer break. I was never on the Power Rangers bandwagon, so I do not understand their appeal. In fact, my mind is boggled. And all of this leads me to today, after nap/ rest time.
I was standing in the kitchen, enjoying a few bites of watermelon. All by myself, thoroughly relishing those seconds of solitude. And in walks Carson. I was expecting a request for watermelon, which I would have gladly granted. But no. We launch into a speech about the Power Rangers. The pink one, blah, the red one, blah, something about a tiger and then a lion and a cow. I really just don't understand! So in a brilliant mommy move, if I do say so myself, I put my fork in a smaller chunk of watermelon and held it out for him to take a bite. And he did. And the Power Rangers diatribe ended. And then he swallowed. Green power ranger, blah, blue power ranger, blah, something about karate, blah, something about... I really don't remember. So I inserted my fork in a larger chunk of watermelon and held it out for him to take a bite. And silence fell upon the kitchen. Again, until he swallowed. And then the Power Rangers talk again... seriously for days now it is all I've heard about!
So the watermelon started appearing faster. He'd talk I'd give him a bite. He'd think about talking I'd give him a bite. This lasted until I could literally no longer keep a straight face and was laughing too hard to actually get the fork into the bowl of watermelon. Oh, you should have seen him. He was so confused! I know, I know. Bad mommy, we aren't supposed to torture our kids.
Well the way I see it I've been tortured for 5 days with the incessant talk of the Power Rangers. And really it was a win, win. He sort of got to talk about the Power Rangers and ate a healthy snack the I didn't have to dirty ay new dishes for and I got a really good laugh!
Mommy of the Year,
I was standing in the kitchen, enjoying a few bites of watermelon. All by myself, thoroughly relishing those seconds of solitude. And in walks Carson. I was expecting a request for watermelon, which I would have gladly granted. But no. We launch into a speech about the Power Rangers. The pink one, blah, the red one, blah, something about a tiger and then a lion and a cow. I really just don't understand! So in a brilliant mommy move, if I do say so myself, I put my fork in a smaller chunk of watermelon and held it out for him to take a bite. And he did. And the Power Rangers diatribe ended. And then he swallowed. Green power ranger, blah, blue power ranger, blah, something about karate, blah, something about... I really don't remember. So I inserted my fork in a larger chunk of watermelon and held it out for him to take a bite. And silence fell upon the kitchen. Again, until he swallowed. And then the Power Rangers talk again... seriously for days now it is all I've heard about!
So the watermelon started appearing faster. He'd talk I'd give him a bite. He'd think about talking I'd give him a bite. This lasted until I could literally no longer keep a straight face and was laughing too hard to actually get the fork into the bowl of watermelon. Oh, you should have seen him. He was so confused! I know, I know. Bad mommy, we aren't supposed to torture our kids.
Well the way I see it I've been tortured for 5 days with the incessant talk of the Power Rangers. And really it was a win, win. He sort of got to talk about the Power Rangers and ate a healthy snack the I didn't have to dirty ay new dishes for and I got a really good laugh!
Mommy of the Year,
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Balsamic Roast Beef Dinner Review
This is NOT my recipe! But man oh man, you need to make this ASAP! Robyn over at Add a Pinch posted this recipe way back in October of 2012. Click on the picture and it will take you straight on over there! I found it on Pinterest, ah, glorious Pinterest, and then I could simply never find the right place to put it into my menu. And then the holidays happened and months passed and I still hadn't tried this unique recipe. Until April of this year. And now? Well now my life will simply never be the same!
Not only was the one of the simplest Crock Pot roasts I've ever made but my boys just devoured it. And then the hubby took the leftovers to work the next day and it was gone... the entire 3lb chuck roast was gone in less than 24 hours. That good people! It is THAT good!
First things first, the changes I made. They were few, in fact only one. I used Veggie stock (low sodium) instead of beef, as that is what I keep on hand. I don't think it really altered the recipe all that much. And as always with beef and the crock pot, low and slow. I know that high temp setting is tempting but low for longer always turns out better with beef. ALWAYS!
The flavor is incredible! That wonderful rich and tart balsamic flavor with the sweetness of the honey is fantabulous and that punch of red pepper really balances the flavors. I think adding 1/2 cup of blackberries (when they are in season) during the last couples of hours of cooking would be a nice punch as well.
I served it with potatoes, broccoli and bell peppers roasted with EVOO and salt and pepper, and used her tip at the bottom for reducing the gravy. I poured it over the veggies and meat and that was that!
This recipe can definitely be gluten free if you switch out your regular soy sauce for Tamari, which really you should do anyway.
I'm always on the hunt for new blogs and recipes to try and to review. Have a recipe your interested in but want me to try it first? Or maybe you adore a blog that I should know about? Leave me a message and I'll check it out!
Disneyland: The plotting continues
I am no Disney Pro. I've been to Disney World once and Disneyland once. Both as a teenager. And both times I thoroughly enjoyed myself and have nothing but magical memories. But as the above mentioned teenager status would imply, I was not in charge of the planning. I was "along for the ride' so to speak and as our upcoming vacation is now 50 days away (I am so excited!!!), I'm a little overwhelmed (in a good way, if that's possible) with all of the research.
Disney can be expensive, especially Disneyland. There is blog after blog detailing how to save money, what to do, what to skip, where to stay, how to travel. And I can pretty much promise you I have read them all. They were definitely helpful and I've kept some of those tips in mind. But... this is our first family trip, we are doing it up right. I fully recognize that not every Disney vacation can be this way but this first one with my little men (and the bigger man, of course!) will be something to remember forever. In my last post, I talked a bit about the Disneyland Hotel and why we've chosen to stay there. I've scoured YouTube video tours and Disney sites trying to find as much information as possible and here is what I've gleamed:
There are 3 towers; the Adventure, the Fantasy and the Frontier. These are listed in preferential order as well. The Adventure tower is closest to the park, houses the most suites and if you are paying for a park view, has the best ones. It is also home to the crazy awesome, magical, signature suites! And while we are not staying in one of those (it would be amazing, though!) we have booked a 1 Bedroom suite and have requested the Adventure tower. Which is the best you can do. Request. And hope... you better believe I am praying about it too!
We believe in the power of the suite! Always. When we travel. I believe it is always worth the extra money. Why? Well because I don't go to bed as early as my children. The hubby and I like to talk or watch a movie, have a glass of wine or a beer, and decompress. And if you are sharing a room with a 5 year old and a 3 year old, well that is just next to impossible. So, suites.
The Fantasy tower is the main tower where you check in. You can also upgrade any room to the Club Level (Concierge Service) which allows you access to the "Club" which has amenities such as: a continental breakfast, snacks including fresh fruit and drinks all day, wine and appetizers in the evening and a special fireworks view. The actual location is in the Adventure tower so I can see how if your room is located in one of the other towers it wouldn't be very convenient. But it is pricey. Really pricey. And since we upgraded to a suite with plenty of room for our own snacks and breakfast food, I just couldn't justify the expense.
And what's almost as important as where we are staying? What we are wearing!!! You better believe every single day is planned out. Etsy and the Disney Store are constantly open on my computer screen. And while my gut reaction was matching shirts for every single day, the likelihood of my hubby actually doing that and not teasing me incessantly is zilch so I had to get a bit more creative. You know what helped? Disney purchased Star Wars.
So for our last day we are wearing matching shirts with the help of the awesome Etsy artist, Mr. Joes Printables. I'm making these myself.You simply purchase the image and then print it onto whatever you'd like to use it for, in my case, iron-on transfer paper. And I love this option because it means I get to use my favorite Old Navy Vintage T-Shirt in white. Oh how I love these T's!!! Another post for another time. Trust me, when I'm finished you will get to see the final product.
And my hubby found this awesome mash-up of Monsters Inc. and Star Wars on Society 6. Go hubby!
Note: The above picture is NOT my husband but I seriously thought it was. As in somewhere out there my hubby has a doppleganger who not only looks so much like him, his own wife thought he had some website she'd never heard of, but said doppleganger is also into Star Wars! It's a small world people, seriously.
After our trip I'll detail all the awesome Etsy artists and websites who helped make our trip wardrobe perfect in my trip report.
So my endless lists and outlines and Excel spreadsheets continue. Stay tuned for my Disneyland Dining Guide and my Packing Lists (which will include all of the websites that have been invaluable to me). Also look for my Road Trip Survival guide to be posted soon, as those summer family road trip months are quickly approaching!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
We're Going to Disneyland!
And this planner is going to Disneyland!!!!!! (note: there are 6 exclamation points as to my usual three for very excited posts) I mean my family is going to Disneyland! And, SSSSSHHHHHHHHH, don't tell the boys! It's a surprise!
This isn't something we've been planning for over a year or anything, our original plan had been to make our usual trek to Red River, NM and enjoy the cooler weather and shopping. But as we neared the 3 month mark to my husband's scheduled vacation and began talking about our trip, New Mexico just didn't sound that exciting. I don't know who brought it up first but I'll tell you this; it is ALL we've talked about since the moment the decision was made.
And in order to keep our kiddos in the dark, we refer to Disneyland as DL, as in: we are keeping DL on the DL... wait for it, yep there it is! Feel free to steal our slogan. I'm thinking of having shirts made.
So we picked our week and the cheapest possible, nice hotel and booked. And never looked back. HAH! I've changed our reservation TWICE and we're probably still going to change a few things before we leave.
I have scoured blogs, I mean devoured every bit of information I can get my hands on. Here is a link to my Disney Magic pinterest board. It will be much easier than me trying to tell you every single blog I've found. Please also note that there are clothes and shoes and the like on my Disney Magic board, and this is because every detail of what I'm packing is being planned out as well. Oh yes. I'm THAT Mom.
And we are driving. Yes, I know most people hate this idea. They do not understand why we are not flying. Well here are my reasons:
1. I sincerely do not like flying with small children. I find it to be a hassle and passengers on planes find it to be a hassle and let's just be honest, airlines find it to be a hassle. I am one of those people who likes to travel with a lot of stuff. And the only way I know to do this, is to drive my own SUV.
2. The hubby and I enjoy driving to new places. I really feel that we live in a country with so much to see! And the only way you can see all of those places is to drive.
3. I repeat the STUFF. I am not a light traveler. I like my pillow and we travel with fans. And because of my oldest son's allergy to corn it is very helpful to travel with a larger amount of food and snacks than most people find necessary. And while I'm not going to search down the statistics, I bet you eat a bit healthier when you travel with your own food.
4. It's cheaper to drive. Now I know there are deals to be had if you fly at weird times or have frequent flyer miles or credit card points or whatever. Well, I don't have any of that as we are not world travelers, and I find it inconvenient to get up at 3 am for a flight. I'm high maintenance. This is not news to you, my readers.
So, we will make the 21 hour trek to Anaheim, CA over the course of 2 days with one night spent in New Mexico. On the 2nd day we should arrive at Disneyland around 5pm. We will be staying at the Disneyland Hotel. At first we had planned to stay off sight and walk into the park every day. We changed this for a couple of reasons:
1. The Disney Experience. The Disney Magic. Well, its a dang good reason. I want to be immersed in Disney. I want Mickey Mouse and the princesses and Peter Pan to be my every waking and dreaming thought, and after hours of talking with the hubby and even more hours of research, I ultimately came to the conclusion that the seasoned veterans of DL are split 50/50. Some think it doesn't matter, others say it does. And the pro and con lists are equally weighted. So we switched our reservations to the Disneyland Hotel.
2. If the boys need a break than that is what we are going to do. If everyday at 2pm, our 3-year old starts to crack down the middle than we will make the much easier 10 minute walk to our hotel and let him sleep off his fussies. If we had stayed at the previous hotel than it would have been a 20 minute (or 30 depending on the foot traffic) walk. Which may not be much of a time difference but in 10 minutes he gets sleepy and you get him into the room and lay him down. In 20 minutes, he falls fully asleep and then wide eyed the moment you try to put him in the room.
3. And this one is important... You get to go into the parks 1 HOUR BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE!!! And really, I think that says it all.
So why the Disneyland Hotel? Honestly, it felt more true to what Walt Disney had imagined. It just seemed to encompass all that is Disney. Here's a few photos:
Isn't it just awesome?!?! I really encourage you to visit the Disneyland website if you haven't before. Explore. Check things out. And then if you're crazy like we are, just book yourself a vacation. There will be many more posts about DL. I mean lots! This is the first of MANY! You've been warned!
*All photos are property of Disney.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Enough is Enough
We've all had that moment. The one where you decide you are done. Just done. Maybe it's with the PTA or some craft you've been working on or trying to get that dang stain off of the counter (just me? okay.) but we've all been there, none the less.
And maybe it's something bigger. I have a friend who has declared 2013 "The Year of No CRAP". And I love that! She decided it was time to stop taking other peoples crap, that she'd stop dealing with the crap she doesn't want to deal with... you know what I'm talking about: maybe you don't care that your junk drawer is over flowing and why should you? Or maybe you couldn't care one iota about a pile of shoes in your closet. And again why should you? And honestly? You think that blonde with the 6 kids and the perfect manicure and the perfect legs and the perfect husband and the homemade cupcakes is probably really stinking tired!!!
Well, we do care and here's why. We "feel" like we should care because we live in this self-obsessed world where the how-to's, the tips, the tricks, the blogs, the magazines, the "I woke up at 4:30 am and went for an 8 mile run, came home made breakfast for my family, packed my kiddos and husband's lunch, cleaned all the bathrooms, showered and got dressed, including these fabulous 6" platform heels and mini-dress, that I'm now going to chase my 3 year old around in all day" MOMS, tell us we should have perfectly organized "junk drawers" (am I the only one who sees the oxymoron here?) and our shoes should all be aligned according to height and color and season... is that even possible?
And we compare ourselves to each other like no other generation before. Why? Well because we can. We are inundated with pictures of grandiose homes and perfectly-styled children on beaches and husbands in $250 dress shirts and women who some how find the time to practice nail art on a daily basis while they scrub their baseboards with homemade non-toxic cleaners!
And here's the deal: I'm not saying you shouldn't try that nifty nail art trick or that non-toxic homemade cleaners aren't awesome and probably better for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to do everything you want to do. If you want to be that woman, than more power to you. What I'm saying is, when are we going to stop trying to be other women in hopes of becoming our perfect selves? Because I truly believe that the only way I can be the me I'm meant to be, the me that God intends me to be, is if I'm honest with myself about my life. Who are my friends, where and how do I spend my time, what things I'm doing and what are their purposes in my life? Am I being the best mother and wife I can be? These are the important questions.
So my friend decided enough was enough and stopped the CRAP! Like I said, we have all been there.
I know I have.
I think I'm there now.
And maybe it's something bigger. I have a friend who has declared 2013 "The Year of No CRAP". And I love that! She decided it was time to stop taking other peoples crap, that she'd stop dealing with the crap she doesn't want to deal with... you know what I'm talking about: maybe you don't care that your junk drawer is over flowing and why should you? Or maybe you couldn't care one iota about a pile of shoes in your closet. And again why should you? And honestly? You think that blonde with the 6 kids and the perfect manicure and the perfect legs and the perfect husband and the homemade cupcakes is probably really stinking tired!!!
Well, we do care and here's why. We "feel" like we should care because we live in this self-obsessed world where the how-to's, the tips, the tricks, the blogs, the magazines, the "I woke up at 4:30 am and went for an 8 mile run, came home made breakfast for my family, packed my kiddos and husband's lunch, cleaned all the bathrooms, showered and got dressed, including these fabulous 6" platform heels and mini-dress, that I'm now going to chase my 3 year old around in all day" MOMS, tell us we should have perfectly organized "junk drawers" (am I the only one who sees the oxymoron here?) and our shoes should all be aligned according to height and color and season... is that even possible?
And we compare ourselves to each other like no other generation before. Why? Well because we can. We are inundated with pictures of grandiose homes and perfectly-styled children on beaches and husbands in $250 dress shirts and women who some how find the time to practice nail art on a daily basis while they scrub their baseboards with homemade non-toxic cleaners!
And here's the deal: I'm not saying you shouldn't try that nifty nail art trick or that non-toxic homemade cleaners aren't awesome and probably better for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to do everything you want to do. If you want to be that woman, than more power to you. What I'm saying is, when are we going to stop trying to be other women in hopes of becoming our perfect selves? Because I truly believe that the only way I can be the me I'm meant to be, the me that God intends me to be, is if I'm honest with myself about my life. Who are my friends, where and how do I spend my time, what things I'm doing and what are their purposes in my life? Am I being the best mother and wife I can be? These are the important questions.
So my friend decided enough was enough and stopped the CRAP! Like I said, we have all been there.
I know I have.
I think I'm there now.
Monday, April 22, 2013
10 Steps to Being a Better Momma
I am not always a very good momma. I'm just not. I'm a little OCD and I'm controlling and I have little to no patience when I need to get things done. I'm quick to yell and I'm quick to say no. I also tolerate absolutely no back-talk (okay that one might be okay).
And sometimes, most days actually, I think "Wow! You need to breathe Amanda! They are just children!" So what is a modern, stay-at-home-mommy supposed to do? (You see the use of modern? It's there because in 1955 I just would have started mixing martinis at 3:30 PM.) Well here is what I'm going to do: my list for taking the steps necessary to change my outlook on myself as a momma.
1. Count to 10. And do it right now! Before you yell or put them in time-out or lose your cool. Is what they are asking or doing really all that bad? Are they just being children? Probably. See? You are much calmer now.
2. At least once a day when they ask you to do something you do not want to do, do it anyway! Why? Well because you make them do things all day long that they don't want to do and turn about is just fair play!
3. Be silly! This one is very hard for me. I'm sure there is some deep-rooted early childhood trauma or family issue that has caused me to pretend that nothing amuses me but... I'm raising children. And the whole wide world amuses them so I should just roll with it and laugh, and make goofy faces and let myself giggle when they burp (Unless it's at the dinner table... I have lines.)
4. Remember those games you played as a kid? Teach them to your kids! Jump over the cracks, play "I Spy with My Little Eye", Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Cooties, "My Momma Told Me", etc. If you PLAY with your children then you let yourself into their world. You become a part of their imagination. Why would you NOT want to be a part of that?!
5. Let them help you. Yes, this may make things harder for you in the end but the only they way they learn is by being taught. Cooking, setting the table, cleaning, doing laundry, planting flowers, the list could go on and on and on. And they WANT to do all of these things. It makes them feel important and helpful and close to you, so let them! Besides, someday they will be teenagers and they won't want to. (And maybe, just maybe, if you teach them the importance of taking responsibility for your home and yourself now, you won't raise ungrateful, little, entitled shits! ~ Rant over.)
6. Take a walk. Now this one seems very simple but kids are intrigued by just about everything so go for a walk with them and let them talk your ear off.
7. Ask them questions. This can go hand in had with just about everything above but if I'm being honest, and I am, then sometimes I don't ask my kids questions because I'm in a hurry and "I don't have enough time" to hear the entire answer. This is, of course, very untrue. I have plenty of time to hear everything they tell me, because if I don't then someday they just won't talk to me and that sounds like utter hell.
8. Bake with them. Why? Because children need to be taught to cook. Why? Because baking teaches basic math skills. Why? Because if they can bake they can make homemade gifts for their friends and loved ones for the rest of their lives. Why? Because when you are done you have yummy treats to eat!
9. Take road trips. Now, I know these can be challenging. But I truly believe in the power of endless hours in the car. As I said to a friend recently, "I want my kiddos to know I love them so much, that I'm willing to spend 20 hours in the car with them!" Look for a How We Survive Road Trips post very soon!
10. Look them in the eye and tell them you love them. Tell them they are smart. Tell them what they do well. Tell them you are proud of them. Tell them they are funny. But most importantly: LOOK THEM IN THE EYE! I believe in this. I really do. Eye contact is truly a connection, we can say any number of things but did the other person really hear you? Understand you? You'll never know if you don't look them in the eye.
Well there 'ya go! Maybe these will help you too. Maybe you need a reminder just as much as I do, that being a Mommy can be very tough and we all need to remember what's important once in a while. Or maybe you need some ideas on how to connect with your little ones. Whatever you needed, I hope you found it! Oh and one more thing: I truly believe a glass of wine after bed time makes me a better mommy. And wife. And woman. It just makes me happy!
And sometimes, most days actually, I think "Wow! You need to breathe Amanda! They are just children!" So what is a modern, stay-at-home-mommy supposed to do? (You see the use of modern? It's there because in 1955 I just would have started mixing martinis at 3:30 PM.) Well here is what I'm going to do: my list for taking the steps necessary to change my outlook on myself as a momma.
1. Count to 10. And do it right now! Before you yell or put them in time-out or lose your cool. Is what they are asking or doing really all that bad? Are they just being children? Probably. See? You are much calmer now.
2. At least once a day when they ask you to do something you do not want to do, do it anyway! Why? Well because you make them do things all day long that they don't want to do and turn about is just fair play!
3. Be silly! This one is very hard for me. I'm sure there is some deep-rooted early childhood trauma or family issue that has caused me to pretend that nothing amuses me but... I'm raising children. And the whole wide world amuses them so I should just roll with it and laugh, and make goofy faces and let myself giggle when they burp (Unless it's at the dinner table... I have lines.)
4. Remember those games you played as a kid? Teach them to your kids! Jump over the cracks, play "I Spy with My Little Eye", Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Cooties, "My Momma Told Me", etc. If you PLAY with your children then you let yourself into their world. You become a part of their imagination. Why would you NOT want to be a part of that?!
5. Let them help you. Yes, this may make things harder for you in the end but the only they way they learn is by being taught. Cooking, setting the table, cleaning, doing laundry, planting flowers, the list could go on and on and on. And they WANT to do all of these things. It makes them feel important and helpful and close to you, so let them! Besides, someday they will be teenagers and they won't want to. (And maybe, just maybe, if you teach them the importance of taking responsibility for your home and yourself now, you won't raise ungrateful, little, entitled shits! ~ Rant over.)
6. Take a walk. Now this one seems very simple but kids are intrigued by just about everything so go for a walk with them and let them talk your ear off.
7. Ask them questions. This can go hand in had with just about everything above but if I'm being honest, and I am, then sometimes I don't ask my kids questions because I'm in a hurry and "I don't have enough time" to hear the entire answer. This is, of course, very untrue. I have plenty of time to hear everything they tell me, because if I don't then someday they just won't talk to me and that sounds like utter hell.
8. Bake with them. Why? Because children need to be taught to cook. Why? Because baking teaches basic math skills. Why? Because if they can bake they can make homemade gifts for their friends and loved ones for the rest of their lives. Why? Because when you are done you have yummy treats to eat!
9. Take road trips. Now, I know these can be challenging. But I truly believe in the power of endless hours in the car. As I said to a friend recently, "I want my kiddos to know I love them so much, that I'm willing to spend 20 hours in the car with them!" Look for a How We Survive Road Trips post very soon!
10. Look them in the eye and tell them you love them. Tell them they are smart. Tell them what they do well. Tell them you are proud of them. Tell them they are funny. But most importantly: LOOK THEM IN THE EYE! I believe in this. I really do. Eye contact is truly a connection, we can say any number of things but did the other person really hear you? Understand you? You'll never know if you don't look them in the eye.
Well there 'ya go! Maybe these will help you too. Maybe you need a reminder just as much as I do, that being a Mommy can be very tough and we all need to remember what's important once in a while. Or maybe you need some ideas on how to connect with your little ones. Whatever you needed, I hope you found it! Oh and one more thing: I truly believe a glass of wine after bed time makes me a better mommy. And wife. And woman. It just makes me happy!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Annoyance, Issue 1
I have a few pet peeves. Go figure, right? The first is this little gem, this little meme:
Oh how I despise it! Because really everybody has time for everything. I don't mean that in a "go be Martha Stewart" and label every item in your pantry sort of way (but by all means, if you want to, go for it). I just mean that if it is important, you make time for it. And sometimes what is important to you is not important to other people. And what is important to other people is not important to you.
I love crafting and baking and doing those home-type things that a lot of people feel, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Well here's the deal: It is just plain rude to tell someone that. It makes them feel that their efforts are unimportant. It makes them feel as if the things they've chosen to do with their time were pointless and stupid. I'd never say to a working mother that her spread sheet and/ or presentation she stayed up all night stressing over and reworking and rewriting for her 9 am meeting just isn't important because, "Ain't nobody go time for that". But for some reason no one has an issue telling me that the wreath I made or the Frittata I put on my dinner table or the homemade laundry detergent I make, was just a waste of time.
Because that is what you are saying.
So stop it.
And my next pet peeve is a little less important. I love Spring. I do. I love getting outside and enjoying the warmer weather and the sunshine and planting flowers and gardening. I love Spring. But I seriously dislike people building new fences. And by dislike I mean hate.
The constant hammering. The constant beating that echoes through the neighborhood until it's all you can hear. And you aren't sure where it's coming from exactly because of the echo, so the noise seems to surround you. And then you venture outside and it is only worse because now it isn't hindered by the walls of your home. And as you walk with your children to the park only to realize you can still hear it blocks away, you find the house that is building said new fence, and know that it's going to take at least 2-3 days and that the constant barrage of hammer to nail to wood isn't going to stop anytime soon. So you count to 10 and try to meditate your way out of the hatred for the people who don't understand that there are people home during the day whose children might need to take a nap. And you remind yourself that everyone has to build fences now and then.
But as revenge, the next time we build one, we are starting at 7am on Saturday and Sunday so all of you can feel my pain!!!

Oh how I despise it! Because really everybody has time for everything. I don't mean that in a "go be Martha Stewart" and label every item in your pantry sort of way (but by all means, if you want to, go for it). I just mean that if it is important, you make time for it. And sometimes what is important to you is not important to other people. And what is important to other people is not important to you.
I love crafting and baking and doing those home-type things that a lot of people feel, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Well here's the deal: It is just plain rude to tell someone that. It makes them feel that their efforts are unimportant. It makes them feel as if the things they've chosen to do with their time were pointless and stupid. I'd never say to a working mother that her spread sheet and/ or presentation she stayed up all night stressing over and reworking and rewriting for her 9 am meeting just isn't important because, "Ain't nobody go time for that". But for some reason no one has an issue telling me that the wreath I made or the Frittata I put on my dinner table or the homemade laundry detergent I make, was just a waste of time.
Because that is what you are saying.
So stop it.
And my next pet peeve is a little less important. I love Spring. I do. I love getting outside and enjoying the warmer weather and the sunshine and planting flowers and gardening. I love Spring. But I seriously dislike people building new fences. And by dislike I mean hate.
The constant hammering. The constant beating that echoes through the neighborhood until it's all you can hear. And you aren't sure where it's coming from exactly because of the echo, so the noise seems to surround you. And then you venture outside and it is only worse because now it isn't hindered by the walls of your home. And as you walk with your children to the park only to realize you can still hear it blocks away, you find the house that is building said new fence, and know that it's going to take at least 2-3 days and that the constant barrage of hammer to nail to wood isn't going to stop anytime soon. So you count to 10 and try to meditate your way out of the hatred for the people who don't understand that there are people home during the day whose children might need to take a nap. And you remind yourself that everyone has to build fences now and then.
But as revenge, the next time we build one, we are starting at 7am on Saturday and Sunday so all of you can feel my pain!!!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Bling It On Baby!
I have a little saying, "Jewelry and shoes always fit". Your wrist doesn't have a fat day. Your neck can't "feel" a little bloated. Your ears never go up a size. And unless you're pregnant (because I know someone is going to go there!) your feet will always slide beautifully into your well-curated shoe wardrobe. And while I love both equally, jewelry is my current obsession.
And my favorite place to search out my jewelry? Why from the comfort of my couch of course! I adore Jewelry Nut Auctions on Facebook. Please go check them out, they auction every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 8:00 pm CST to 9:30 pm CST. And the deals are killer!
This season enamel is in and I love it! Enamel has such a vintage feel to it and because of the bright colors and textural designs, enamel can bring a certain punch to an outfit that we all need sometimes. My personal preference is enamel paired with gold and gold is definitely another hot one this season. Again, for me, the vintage quality of gold gets me every time but please, do be careful! Gold can get brassy and 80's looking and I don't care what anyone says the 80's should stay in the past!
***Please Lord in Heaven, do not let the fashions of Dynasty and Knots Landing become a thing of my present! Amen.***
Since enamel brings us all of that glorious color, let's talk about color for a minute. Maybe it's because it's Spring and I like the idea of sunny 65-degree days spent outside with my kiddos. Maybe it's because this time of year represents rebirth and growth, and color remind us of the brighter things in our lives, the things that change and grow. Whatever the reason, I love color because it's happy. "I have enough HAPPY in my life!" said no one. EVER! And girlies, the "in" color this season is Emerald Green! Panatone gave it the color of the year nod and it is my absolute fave color! So be prepared... it is going to be everywhere!
As far as I can tell there is nothing quite like an engraving. Be it an important date, your child's name or a special message that reminds you of a specific time or place or person, engraved jewelry is an of-the-moment trend that I simply cannot get enough of. I recently ordered a leather and gold cross bracelet with my wedding anniversary on it. i love looking down at it and remembering that day (even 7 years later!). What a great gift for a bride right? Right now I'm on the hunt to have a bible verse (below) engraved on a bracelet. I'm thinking a 2" cuff in a mix of matte gold and silver. Would that not be beautiful?!
What is your favorite of-the-moment trend? Do you have a verse or quote that fuels you currently? Leave me a message; I'd love to hear from ya!
And my favorite place to search out my jewelry? Why from the comfort of my couch of course! I adore Jewelry Nut Auctions on Facebook. Please go check them out, they auction every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 8:00 pm CST to 9:30 pm CST. And the deals are killer!
This season enamel is in and I love it! Enamel has such a vintage feel to it and because of the bright colors and textural designs, enamel can bring a certain punch to an outfit that we all need sometimes. My personal preference is enamel paired with gold and gold is definitely another hot one this season. Again, for me, the vintage quality of gold gets me every time but please, do be careful! Gold can get brassy and 80's looking and I don't care what anyone says the 80's should stay in the past!
***Please Lord in Heaven, do not let the fashions of Dynasty and Knots Landing become a thing of my present! Amen.***
This gorgeous Tory Burch wide bangle can be found at Nieman Marcus and yes,
it is expensive but this is a statement piece that will last a lifetime!
Since enamel brings us all of that glorious color, let's talk about color for a minute. Maybe it's because it's Spring and I like the idea of sunny 65-degree days spent outside with my kiddos. Maybe it's because this time of year represents rebirth and growth, and color remind us of the brighter things in our lives, the things that change and grow. Whatever the reason, I love color because it's happy. "I have enough HAPPY in my life!" said no one. EVER! And girlies, the "in" color this season is Emerald Green! Panatone gave it the color of the year nod and it is my absolute fave color! So be prepared... it is going to be everywhere!
The current trend that has be all a twitter right now? Messages and monograms! I'm southern, ladies and gentlemen (didn't want to leave anybody out!) and a monogram is tried and true southern tradition. It's not just a design choice, it is a category in and of itself and the monogram speaks of class and style. And we all know style will live on long after fashion dies. Monograms are on my throw pillows, monograms grace my guest towels, and monograms are on every piece of luggage I own, so quite obviously monograms hang about my neck and wrists with equal charm!
You can find these awesome acrylic monogram pendents in a plethora of colors and sizes in boutiques and online. I believe the best deals can be found on Etsy.
What is your favorite of-the-moment trend? Do you have a verse or quote that fuels you currently? Leave me a message; I'd love to hear from ya!
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