Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Enough is Enough

We've all had that moment. The one where you decide you are done. Just done. Maybe it's with the PTA or some craft you've been working on or trying to get that dang stain off of the counter (just me? okay.) but we've all been there, none the less.

And maybe it's something bigger. I have a friend who has declared 2013 "The Year of No CRAP". And I love that! She decided it was time to stop taking other peoples crap, that she'd stop dealing with the crap she doesn't want to deal with... you know what I'm talking about: maybe you don't care that your junk drawer is over flowing and why should you? Or maybe you couldn't care one iota about a pile of shoes in your closet. And again why should you? And honestly? You think that blonde with the 6 kids and the perfect manicure and the perfect legs and the perfect husband and the homemade cupcakes is probably really stinking tired!!!

Well, we do care and here's why. We "feel" like we should care because we live in this self-obsessed world where the how-to's, the tips, the tricks, the blogs, the magazines, the "I woke up at 4:30 am and went for an 8 mile run, came home made breakfast for my family, packed my kiddos and husband's lunch, cleaned all the bathrooms, showered and got dressed, including these fabulous 6" platform heels and mini-dress, that I'm now going to chase my 3 year old around in all day" MOMS, tell us we should have perfectly organized "junk drawers" (am I the only one who sees the oxymoron here?) and our shoes should all be aligned according to height and color and season... is that even possible?

And we compare ourselves to each other like no other generation before. Why? Well because we can. We are inundated with pictures of grandiose homes and perfectly-styled children on beaches and husbands in $250 dress shirts and women who some how find the time to practice nail art on a daily basis while they scrub their baseboards with homemade non-toxic cleaners!

And here's the deal: I'm not saying you shouldn't try that nifty nail art trick or that non-toxic homemade cleaners aren't awesome and probably better for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to do everything you want to do. If you want to be that woman, than more power to you. What I'm saying is, when are we going to stop trying to be other women in hopes of becoming our perfect selves? Because I truly believe that the only way I can be the me I'm meant to be, the me that God intends me to be, is if I'm honest with myself about my life. Who are my friends, where and how do I spend my time, what things I'm doing and what are their purposes in my life? Am I being the best mother and wife I can be? These are the important questions.

So my friend decided enough was enough and stopped the CRAP! Like I said, we have all been there.

I know I have.

I think I'm there now.

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