Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Journey, Part 4

I do not believe that my illness is some form of punishment. I believe its genetic and that the hormone therapy I spoke of earlier negatively effected my endocrine system and was simply the key my body needed to jump-start multiple autoimmune diseases that would have eventually started on their own. Doctors do not know the cause of Hashimoto's but you can read more about their theories here.

I believe in God. And I believe that through prayer and worship I have everything I need. That he gives us everything we need. All the information I need to help myself is out there. I just have to have my eyes open and be willing to look for it.

I know many will ask, if I worked so hard, if I lost those 25 lbs and was finally looking in a mirror and liking myself again, why did I let myself slide back? Well old habits die hard, I guess. And honestly? I just changed the outside. I didn't do anything the first time to deal with emotional and spiritual side of my issues. We've all heard one person or another, or watched a scene on a TV show or read an article about this exact thing: LOSING THE WEIGHT DOES NOT MAKE ALL OF YOUR PROBLEMS MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR!

The weight is just a symptom, it is NOT the problem.

And now in March of 2013, my faith in God has brought me back here. To my blog. Many will find the title of my blog a little disconcerting when placed alongside my faith. Please don't, because I'm not perfect. And at the end of a long day sometimes I drink a glass of wine or two. And that doesn't make me any less of a Christian. It just makes me an honest one. I'm sarcastic and kind of vain. I'm not always the best mommy but I'm trying. I don't always do what I should and I recognize that I have faults. And I want to share my knowledge, my life lessons and my journey with all of you.

My hope is that this blog helps me to let go of the control I so desperately cling to. To put it all out there and know that ultimately nothing on this Earth is within my control. To know that sharing our lives is why we are here and that if we don't, we will leave this Earth not having given everything we could. And when I've spent my last days here I want to know that I've done everything within my human power to leave it a little bit better.

Eating whole foods and learning as much as I can about food and nutrition has become a passion I want to share. Thanks to my pilates trainer, who is also a health coach, my beliefs about food have greatly changed.  Please check out her blog The Whole Beet. You will learn so much!

I'll post recipes and crafts. I'll post style guides and fashion tips, exercises and outfits. I'll post medical knowledge that I learn, and as I go along on this journey of treating my body with whole foods, I'll share it with you. I'll post my kiddos shenanigans, my kiddos sweet moments, funny stories about my husband and our relationship. Helpful hints on how to make your marriage amazing (it's become one of our focuses this year, so I'll share that journey as well). And last but certainly not least. I'll share my faith with you. I'll share my God with you. Because I am called to. Because I need to.

I hope you'll join my journey.   

1 comment:

  1. can't even START to talk about how much I love you and I love your honesty! It's so true...when I first started losing weight it only made some of my flaws even BIGGER because of vanity and selfishness. Weight wasn't the core problem. My faith in only myself and my disjointed priorities were the real problem.

    I'm so proud of you.
